Chapter 3

From chapter 3 Monsters In The Night

Billy stood strong with his weapon and what was left of the villagers and the home guard. The creatures had backed off for a while but he knew the oncoming attack was going to begin again soon. He had held the position he had been told to hold by Knarf longer than anyone could expect, and if Knarf did not return soon they would have to retreat deeper into the shallows opening up to wider spaces and he knew that this would be the end of them. There could be nothing else he could do the ammunition was running low and they would be lucky if they could out last the next attack.

It had only been a few moments ago when Billy who was on guard duty at the gate of the shallows heard the gun fire and explosion, but no alarm had gone off outside at the gate. He wondered then if he should sound the alarm but first decided to look. As he opened the iron door he saw hundreds of creatures running towards the doorway he quickly bolted the doors and ran. He barley reached the second doors when a great explosion smashed through the first set of doors knocking them off their hinges flying over his head. Billy fell to the floor; he turned to see the creatures passing through the first doors and was quick to his feet to lock the second doors. These doors were stronger and not so easy to get through. They were made out of a metal that was rare. Navi had once told him that this metal was alien and very strong and he had paid a great price for it. Billy could hear the creatures on the other side trying to get in. He raced to the alarm and pressed the button, the sirens screeched throughout the shallows, and men and the home guard rushed to the armory and joined him at the doors.

“What is it?” Knarf had asked reaching the doors.

“Creatures lots of them have entered the village”, Billy blabbered

Just then there was banging at the door,


There were guards out there still alive.

“Quick men take up your arms and fight” Shouted Knarf

Billy readied his weapon,

“Not you,” Knarf told him “you are to stay here with the home guard and be our last line of defence if we fail OK?” Billy nodded indicating he understood “close the doors if it seems we won’t make it.”

Knarf then open the doors and joining the few guards that had fought their way through and together they headed out into the darkness to fight an enemy more dangerous than they could imagine.

The battle raged Billy watched as the guards and most of the men of the village stormed out and down the slope of the shallows pathway, guns blazing killing monsters along the way. The night was lit up with gunfire and laser bolt weapons. They were Orcus Billy had never seen an Orcus before but he recognised the symbol on the uniform of the dead creature before him. The symbol of the house of Maxius Millidor these were the reject clones the ones that never turned out right, the ones given to the Elves to do their dirty bidding. They were believed to have super human strength and carried alien weaponry. But why would they attack the village for no reason Billy questioned as he watched the battle.

Knarf was a warrior, a true soldier like his father before him. He went out there fighting and shooting every Orcus he could see continuing to communicate with his men by hand signals as the battle was too loud to be heard shouting. He signaled for a flare and up it went high in the sky lighting up the whole village. Knarf and his men froze in shock for a moment, they never realised how many men they were fighting but now they could see. There was no way they could win this battle. There were at least 800 fully armed clones standing in the light, and Knarf and his men were no more than two hundred strong.

Knarf shouted and signaled the retreat but somehow the enemy had closed off the path behind them making the retreat almost impossible. Billy watched as the men fought and died bravely in the battle and how hard they fought trying to make it back to the slope that lead up into the shallows. Men shot and killed Orcus while others ran out of ammo or were over run. The Orcus were beasts, they hacked of arms and heads limbs were spread out over the village everywhere. Billy noticed the hatred they had towards the humans because they took the time to stop and shoot repeatedly into the heads of already dead humans making it almost impossible to ever tell who the man was. He realised the battle was hopeless for his people and started to believe none of them would make it back alive.

For a moment he lost track of Knarf, but then he came into view again at the bottom of the slope. He had made it. Knarf and three other men stood bravely firing their bullets into the wave of Orcus. Knarf ran out of ammo for his machine gun, throwing down the gun he pulled out his side arm and emptied the chamber into more Orcus. Somehow they made it on to the slope and work their way towards the top. The Orcus began firing laser bolts at them. They flew through the night time air like beautiful beams of light but missing Knarf and the men they crashed into the side of the rock and cause considerable damage to the hill that the shallows was built into. Knarf and the others dodged laser bolt after laser bolt. The Orcus were following up the pathway so Knarf threw a grenade onto the path and blew many of them off and into pieces. They finally reached the top and Knarf stood for a moment to see if anyone else was going to make it. Billy watched the stoned look on Knarf’s face as he watched his men die in the battle. He saw men he had trained and men who were closed to him. He watched farmers, fisherman and fathers die. Each man had a family and those who did not, planned to some day and now they would never get the chance.

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